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新学期新计划英语作文be going to 时态 不少于50单词 不多于65

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/03 12:38:27
be going to 时态 不少于50单词 不多于65
新学期新计划英语作文be going to 时态 不少于50单词 不多于65
麦克:So,did you get all the courses you wanted?
你想修的课全部都选了吗?比尔:Yep,what about you?
是啊.你呢?麦克:I got all but one.How many credits have you signed up for?
我只差一门课.其他的都选了.你总共修多少个学分?比尔:I`m taking twelve credits this semester.
这学期我选了十二个学分.麦克:That`s not too bad.I`ve signed up for five courses.
不错嘛.我修了5门课.比尔:That`s fifteen credits,right?
那就是15个学分.对吧?麦克:Yeah.Do you have to buy a lot of books?
对啊!你得买很多书吗?比尔:Yes,I have to buy fourteen books just for my four courses!
是啊.才4门课就得买14本书!麦克:Oh!That`s a lot.Are they available in paperback?
噢.那 是很多.这些书能买到平装本吗?比尔:Only some of them.Most of the books are hardcover.It`s going to cost a fortune,
只有一些有平装本.大部分都是精装本.得花不少钱.麦克:Well,you`re better off than I am.I have to buy twenty books!
哎!我比我好多了.我得买20本书呢.比尔:Twenty!That`s insane!When could you possibly read so many books?
有没有搞错!你什么时候才能读完这么多书?麦克:Yeah,but that is what you get at a good school.
是啊.但是读好学校就是这样.比尔:You`re right.I suppose it`ll be worth it.I am just worried about a few of my courses.
你说得对.我想这是值得的.我只不过担心我的一些课而已.麦克:Me,too.A few of them look tough.I wish I knew more students,so I could get the scoop on which teachers' courses are easy.
我也是.有些课看起来很难.我真希望我能多认识一些同学.好事先得知哪些老师的课容易过.比尔:And which should be avoided?
还有哪些老师的课应该避开?麦克:But all the hard work will pay off,I suppose.
但是我想.所有的辛苦都会有回报的.比尔:Yeah,you`re right.That`s the reason we are here-to learn.
是啊.你说得对.这就是我们到这里来的原因:为了学习.麦克:I just hope it isn`t the hard way.