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we found out that Jenny had a __31____ problem when she was

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/30 22:46:05
we found out that Jenny had a __31____ problem when she was four.Several operations and speech classes later,when she was seven,we found out that Jenney had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.(幼年类风湿性关节炎)
She felt __32____ when she walked for a long time.Jenny suffered,yet never complained.She __33____ a smile on her face,a song on her lips,and a love of others.She ran when she could run.She played when she could play,and she danced when she could dance.And ,when she could do none of these things,she took her ___34___ ,and she waited until she could.
Jenny never competed in a sport.She could not ___35___ take part in a gym class.Jenny continued to have one operation after another on her ears,all through school.Her hearing __36___ to 60%,and she taught herself to read lips.When she suddenly experienced pain in high school,her friends carried her from class to class.
She was totally __37__ and funny,attending every football game,cheering the team on.She carried her pollow ___38__ she went,so that she could ease the pain when she sat down.Then came her senior year.She would be considered for scholarships,however school activities,especially sports,could often mean the difference between receiving an award or losing out.
So Jenny camen to a decision.She bagan to beg the high school football coach.Finally the coache gave __39___ ,saying,“If you miss one game,you’re out!” So,Jenny became the ___40___ of the Garrett High School Football Team.
She carried bottles of water to her teammates.She did a lot of preparation work for the team.She worked so actively that it turned out to be one of the best __41___ for Garrtee High School Football Team,in __42___ 25-year history.
When asked ___43___ he thought that the team was winning all their games,even in the face of injury,one team member explained,“Well,when you’ve been __44___ down,and you can’t seem to __45___,you look up and see Jenny.It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty unimportant.
31.A.walking B.heart C.speaking D.hearing
32.A.exhaused B.tired C.pain D.thirsty
33.A.wore B.kept C.gave D.showed
34.A.drink B.medicine C.rest D.books
35.A.still B.ever C.even D.just
36.A.improved B.fell C.dropped D.rose
37.A.quiet B.popular C.weak D.strong
38.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.everywhere
39.A.up B.in C.away D.out
40.A.manager B.boss C.player D.coach
41.A.players B.teams C.jobs D.years
42.A.her B.his C.its D.theirs
43.A.why B.what C.if D.how
44.A.fallen B.dropped C.knocked D.hit
45.A.move B.stand C.walk D.run
we found out that Jenny had a __31____ problem when she was
再问: 解释啊解释,答案有的...
再答: 31.D 后面都讲读唇语啊做手术回复听力啊什么的, 那就是听力问题了, hearing 32.C 后面讲"Jenny suffered, yet never complained", 那就看得出来前面是pain, 很难忍 33.A wear a smile, 面带笑容 34.B take medicine, 吃药, 搭配..rest符合情景,但是搭配是have a rest 35.C even,意为"甚至", 是个程度的上升 36.A 做了手术, 听力提高了, 用improve, 表示进步 37.B 她做了啦啦队, 肯定不是quiet. strong和weak和啦啦队没关系.. 38.D 她到每个地方都带枕头, everywhere. 39.B give up, 放弃 give in 妥协 教练是因为她的请求, 无奈妥协 40.A 她不是做队员, 她弄的是杂物, 是"球队经理" 41.D "...for Garrtee High School Football Team", it 指代该球队 42.C 同上, 指"球队的25年" 43.A 后面"explain"以及"explain的内容", 队员所说的是他们具有胜利的信念的原因, 因此是why 44.C knock down 击败, 词组 45.A move, stand, walk, run任何词都能用, 但是在这句话中, 这个词并不是真正的动作, 而是一种状态, 被"knock down"以后"停滞不前, 沮丧"的状态. stand, walk 和 run 没用这种深层含义. move 常常用作"努力前进"