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英语翻译 谁帮我把这篇作文翻译成英语!我最喜欢的卡通人物是哆啦A梦,他是一只机器猫,是个日本的卡通人物.我以前

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 04:19:11
 谁帮我把这篇作文翻译成英语!我最喜欢的卡通人物是哆啦A梦,他是一只机器猫,是个日本的卡通人物.我以前就认识他,这个暑假里,我看到了一部关于哆啦A梦的电影-《大雄的恐龙》,他给我留下了深刻的印象.    哆啦A梦长得很可爱,圆圆的脑袋,大大的嘴巴,胖胖的身体,短短的脚,一副憨态可掬的模样.他的脖子上挂了一个金色的小铃铛,很有特点.    哆啦A梦还有一个名字,叫小叮当.他爱吃铜锣烧,每次都跟大雄抢着吃.    哆啦A梦是一只万能机器猫,每当他的主人大雄遇到困难时,都能帮助他化解危机,他不但聪明,而且肯动脑筋,会用好他的万能口袋里的每一样宝贝.我最羡慕他有一只万能口袋,像袋鼠妈妈的口袋一样.在暑假我看的电影里,小叮当就发挥出了万能本领,救了那些小恐龙,让他们平安无事地返回了自己的家园,回到了妈妈的身边.    我喜欢可爱、聪明,又惹麻烦的小叮当.
英语翻译 谁帮我把这篇作文翻译成英语!我最喜欢的卡通人物是哆啦A梦,他是一只机器猫,是个日本的卡通人物.我以前
My favorite cartoon character is duo la A dream,he is A doraemon,is A Japanese cartoon character.I've known him,this summer,I saw the movie about duo la A dream movie-" the male dinosaur ",he left A deep impression on me.Duo la A dream cute,round head,big mouth,chunky body,short feet,A pair of childlike shape.His neck hung a golden small bell and very special.Duo la A dream and A name,that the tinker bell.He loved to eat causeway to burn,each time with big male rob to eat.Duo la A dream is A universal doraemon,whenever his master male encounter difficulties,can help him solve the crisis,he not only smart,and Ken,think,will use good his universal in the pocket each baby.I admire most he has a universal pocket,like mother kangaroo pocket.In summer vacation I see in the movies,tinker bell is played a universal ability,saved the little dinosaur,let they were safe to return to their homes,and return to the mother's side.I like lovely,smart,and to make trouble tinker bell.