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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 14:57:33
现在是暑假,希望文章中不要出现“new year”或者“winter holiday”之类的.
Value Your Time
Sincc I entered college I have felt a great burden off my mind and I just want to relax. So do my classmates. We enjoy playing cards and are very skillful at it. We seldom work on our lessons unless there is an examination. Then we work under pressure. I know it is not good, but what I lack is self control. Mat of us know it is a problem, and it is time we did something about it.
As youth, we are in the prime of our life. We should make good use of our golden time. The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can acquire more knowledge. We should not fail their expectations. I should not rest content with what I have done. Entering cnllege is just a step in the threshold of the palace of knowledge. The road is long. The modern age needs the well educated. The future world is highly competitive. If we idle away our time while young wo shall regret it in vain when we are did.
From now on I will concentrate all my energy on my studies as to qualify myself as a talent in the 21st century. Time and tide wait for no man. I should value my time. What about you, my friend?
关于自信的英语作文 我们都知道一个人的自信很重要,不管做任何事情,自信会给我们力量.今天的英语作文为大家带来的主题是:自信Self-confidence
Confidence is power--the power to attract, persuade, influence, and succeed. Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !
Confidence isn't an inherited trait, it' s a learned one. This means that you can have an abun-
dance of self-confidence. Start here, right now.
Confidence starts in the mind.What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
The very first thing you have to do to create abundant self-confidence is to start thinking with confidence. Pay attention to your internal dialogue, and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.
Your environment has a tremendous influence on you. The books you read, the people you spend time with, and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.
In a nutshell, your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.
If you're in a situation where you're discouraged, such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job, you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.
Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence. Spend time with confident people.
Remember those, self-confidence can be yours. Take it!关于自信的英语作文
Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.
We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.
he World Population Explosion
This is really a serious problem we should pay attention to ! So this topic is quite meanfulling! so net collected this essay for you!
The human race has experienced a consistent increase in population since the beginning of its history. Famine and disease have done little to offset(抵消)this steady increase. Too many people are added annually to the population of the world. So both the causes of population increase and the results of having more people are worth careful study.Culture evolution is the major factor responsible for population increase. Early in human development,people invented tools to hunt animals. Later they built shelters to protect themselves. Step by step,they made life easier. As a result,fewer died from natural forces,such as harsh climate and disease.In the past,when population grew,there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now,almost all the habitable land has been explored.
The world‘s population may reach 8.7 billion in 2033. It is clear that world population is a serious issue that needs careful attention. Human beings are unique to solve problems through cultural evolution.(发展)Facing the world population explosion in the near future. We must carry out the birth control program in order to save the mankind and save the world.


Chinese cooking
Meatballs with carrot slices in soup Alex, since there is only one response and this one is not satisfying, I figured out something for fun. I learnt this from my roommate in college. It is very simply and you don't find it in any of the fashionable restaurants. But it is old-fashioned as you require. And it is delicious at that.

Buy a pound of minced meat in a supermarket. Add salt, ginger powder, sliced onion, a little flour, and two spoonfuls of water. Stir the thing vigorously for two minutes. Boil a pot of water. Make a dozen meatballs out of the mixture you've prepared. Put the balls into boiling water. When the water boils again, add sliced carrot. Add salt and pepper to your taste. The soup is ready to serve.

Homemade and crude as it is, you never forget the taste!
1. 认为读书要有选择
2. 认为应当博览群书
3. 我的看法
When it comes to the issue of reading selectively or extensively, different people have different opinions. It is held by some people that one should read selectively. But it is also believed by other people that one should read extensively.
Those who hold the first opinion think that one’s time and energy are limited and one can never read as many books as he wishes. In contrast, those who hold the second view think that to know the world from all perspectives one should absorb a variety of knowledge by reading extensively.
As to me, I agree with the former opinion. Admittedly, one can absorb more knowledge by reading extensively, but it doesn’t follow that one should read without discrimination. As one’s time and energy are limited. One should devote his limited time and energy to reading relevant and beneficial books. It is a waste of time to read irrelevant books. Furthermore, some books are harmful to one’s mind. If we don’t read books selectively, we will be led astray by harmful books.
Is recycling textbooks a good suggestion?
请你以Is recycling textbooks a good suggestion为题,写一篇100词左右的稿件表示赞同,你的理由是:
1. 可以节省资源,减少浪费; 2. 书上的笔记很有用;3. 国外(如澳大利亚)已有成功的做法;4. 其它.
Recently, a debate concerning whether we should recycle our textbooks or not has appeared in our school. As far as I am concerned, we ought to recycle textbooks as a way of protecting environment.
For one thing, recycling textbooks can not only save natural resources such as wood, but also reduce the waste of material. For another, the notes on the textbooks, made by the graduated students are of much help to those who want to reuse the books. As a current research show , recycling books has been proved an effective way in Australia, which obtains a quantity of benefits from this new-developed method.
To sum up, I consider recycling textbooks useful and helpful. I hope it can come into being in our daily life as soon as possible