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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/13 11:45:25
昨天考完口语,心里没底,希望大牛能稍微测评一下.趴一讲的家乡 天气 回答几乎没有停顿,很流利,每个问题都说了差不多15到20秒.趴二题目是一个工作有趣的人 这个我准备过,内容如下,也很流利 Turning to this topic,I want to talk about a Chinese actress,Cai Ming.Actually,I am a big fan of her.She was born into an educated family in Beijing on October 21st,1961.Well,you know,she is around 53 now.In 1973,her starring in the film Haixia made her become famous overnight.She began to act in the Sister Ma’s Series since 2000.What impressed me most was her consummate acting,showing her care for her neighbors.She dressed up as an old woman,you know,wearing wig and always wanted to take charge of the things that even was none of her business.She didn’t show her concern in a direct way,but always do some realistic things which will give others warmth.I have learned that we should deem it essential to treat others in a more friendly way.Moreover,I do realize that we ought to devote our love to the strangers openhandedly.That is the comic actress that I am willing to appreciate.
趴三 第一个问题问国内受欢迎的工作是什么。当时有点愣,思路不对,说了个actor又发现没什么说的,卡了两三次。第二个问题她问了我个另外一个受欢迎的工作是什么,我当时真无语了,硬着头皮说了个football player(没有黑国足的意思,主要是准备过相关话题)
我说的大概是。There is a big number of population in China so the competition is fiece.Sometimes,you find a job but the salary cannot meet your demand.And you want to find a better job,but your qualification is not enough。趴二 我还是演的比较多,适当停顿,表情比较丰富。