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英语翻译医疗侵权纠纷 举证责任倒置 根据我国民事诉讼法的规定,举证责任遵循“谁主张、谁举证”的原则,这一原则也一直被运用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 17:39:01
医疗侵权纠纷 举证责任倒置
英语翻译医疗侵权纠纷 举证责任倒置 根据我国民事诉讼法的规定,举证责任遵循“谁主张、谁举证”的原则,这一原则也一直被运用
Medical infringement disputes inversion of the burden of proof under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure,the burden of proof to follow "who advocate,who the burden of proof" principle,the principle also has been used in medical disputes in the trial of cases,caused by medical acts of infringement proceedings,From medical institutions on the results of medical acts and the damage there is no causal relationship between and there is no fault of the medical burden of proof.