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英语翻译1 大卫·贝克汉姆到达日本时,兴奋的球迷们都赶去迎接。2 为了庆祝表姐的婚礼,我的姨妈和姨夫安排了一场晚会。3

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 22:47:27
1 大卫·贝克汉姆到达日本时,兴奋的球迷们都赶去迎接。
2 为了庆祝表姐的婚礼,我的姨妈和姨夫安排了一场晚会。
3 卡尔·马克思有关共产主义的部分著作是在大英图书馆完成的。那里有海量的图书。
4 博物馆里的古陶壶以其鲜艳的色泽和精湛的工艺吸引了全国各地的艺术家。
5 “不要对衣服这样不爱惜”妈妈说。“如果你小心洗衣服?并把他们叠整齐,衣服就会更耐穿些。”
英语翻译1 大卫·贝克汉姆到达日本时,兴奋的球迷们都赶去迎接。2 为了庆祝表姐的婚礼,我的姨妈和姨夫安排了一场晚会。3
1.When David Beckham arrived in Japan,he was welcomed by the excited fans.
2.In order to celebrate wedding ceremony of my cousin,my aunt and uncle arranged a party.
3.Many of Karl Marks's books about Comminism were finished in British Museum,in which there was a ton of books.
4.The ancient pottery pot in the museum attracted artists all around the country by its bright color and exquisite process.
5."Please don't treat your clothes like that." Mother said,"If you wash them carefully and fold them,they will be more enduable."
6.The contest has been becoming more and more grapping.
7.The possibility of renting that house with the furnitures is very low,because the landlord put on a hight price.
8.The royal families are like the common ones.They also have divergence,sometimes even arguing.