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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 01:36:50
求一篇演讲稿,题目是:香港之旅 由于是课前讲话,所以内容不要太长,3分钟左右。难度最好在初一和初二之间。 大致中文内容如下: 上个暑假,我和妈妈、妹妹去了香港。我们在那里呆了五天,我们看见了许多有趣的事情。我们玩的很开心。这是一只在香港地铁站里的狗,它穿着鞋,还戴着帽子。 我们是乘坐飞机去的香港。在飞机上,我看到了许多漂亮的景色。这张照片是我在飞机上看到的岛屿。 我们到了香港之后就去了酒店。酒店很高,房间也很小,不过很干净和整洁。 然后我们去了波鞋街。那里有各种各样的运动鞋,而且都很便宜。 晚上,我们回到酒店,我睡得很香。 第二天,我们去了尖沙咀。我们在那里买了很多纪念品。我们看到了象征香港回归的盛开的紫荆花。下午,我和妹妹去了香港科技博物馆,那里非常有趣。晚上,我们又去了星光大道,并观看了表演。 第三天,我们到了海洋公园。在那里,我们看到了许多有趣的海生物,并了解了很多关于海洋和海洋动物的知识。 最后,我们去了迪斯尼乐园。我们在哪里呆了两天。我们住在迪斯尼酒店,那里很华丽。 我们玩的很开心。
解题思路: 求演讲稿一篇
last Summer holiday, my sister ,my mother and I went to Hk. We stayed there for five days and saw a lot of interesting things. We had a good time there. It's a dog in the subway station of HK, which wore shoes and a hat
We went to HK by air. When on the plane, I saw many beautiful views. The photo is about an island which I saw on the plane
On arriving in HK, we went to a hotel. The hotel is very high ,the rooms of it are small but very clean and tidy
Then we went to the sneaker street. There are all kinds of sneakers and they are very cheap
At night, we went back to the hotel,I had a good sleep
The next day, we went to Jianshazui. We bought many Souvenirs.We saw many redbud flowers
which were the symbol of the back of HK. In the afternoon, I went to the scientific Museum with my sister, we had a lot of fun there. In the evening, we went to the star avenue and enjoyed performances there.
The third day, we went to he sea park. We saw many sea creatures and learnt much knowledge about the ocean and ocean creatures
Finally, we went to the disneyland. We stayed there for two days. We lived in disney hotel, it is very significant.
We enjoyed ourselves a lot.