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When my grandmother was 89 years old ,she was having problem

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/12 17:44:04
When my grandmother was 89 years old ,she was having problems with her heart. My family went with her to the doctor, who told her that she needed an operation. However, the doctor said that because of my grandmother’s age, the operation could be dangerous. He went on to say that my grandmother would have a 40% chance of having a heart attack(心脏病) and a 30% chance of dying during the operation.
My grandmother, shocked ,quickly stopped the doctor and said,“Doctor, as long as you’re talking about statistics(数据),I have a statistic for you: there is a 100% chance of you not operating one me !”With these words, my grandmother got up and left the doctor’s office.
My grandmother might have been stubborn , but she was not a fool. So the next day she went to another doctor, and he also told her she needed an operation.
My grandmother asked the doctor. “If I were your mother, what would you suggest?” The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arm around her and said, “Mom, let’s do this operation!” She had the operation and came out fine.
My grandmother passed away(去世)a few weeks before her 97th birthday. However, because of her positive attitude(积极的态度),she gave us ,her family and friends almost eight years of life to enjoy sharing with her.
小题1:The grandmother didn’t choose the first doctor because            .
A. he was afraid to do the operation.
B. he talked too much about the risks
C. he had never done such an operation
小题2:The second doctor’s words might have made the grandmother           .
A. nervous           B. unhappy            C. relaxed
小题3:We can tell from the story that the grandmother           .
A. wanted to be the second doctor’s mother
B. celebrated her 97th birthday with her family
C. lived through the operation by the second doctor.
小题4:The underlined word“stubborn” probably means         in Chinese.
A. 执拗的             B. 严谨的            C. 无知的
小题5:What can we learn from the story?
A. It is better to depend on statistics.
B. A positive attitude can change a person’s life.
C. A good doctor only cares for his patients’ health.
When my grandmother was 89 years old ,she was having problem




