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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/22 06:22:15
解题思路: 如下
quite和very都可以表示“非常”,是英语中使用频率很高的两个表示程度的副词。现对这两个词的用法加以辨析,以便英语学习者能够更好地掌握并运用quite和very。 1. quite可以修饰没有等级之分的形容词,例如perfect(完美的),impossible(不可能的),right(正确的),certain(肯定的),sure(确信的),ready(准备好的)等等,而这些词不可以用very来修饰。quite在修饰此类形容词时,可以译为“完全;绝对”。例如: He is quite right. 他完全正确。 Their opinions are quite opposite. 他们的观点完全相反。 Are you quite ready? 你全准备好了吗? It is quite impossible to get there in three hours. 三个小时到达那里是完全不可能的。 He stood there quite still. 他一动不动地站在那里。 2. 有等级之分的形容词或副词则既可以用quite修饰,也可以用very修饰,但表达的意义有所区别。quite是减弱语,减弱所修饰的词的程度,一般译为“比较„„”;而very则加强其所修饰的词的程度,可译为“很;非常”。例如: The room is quite comfortable. 这个房间比较舒适。 He was very unhappy when he lost his dog. 他丢失狗时非常难受。 It is very hot today, but yesterday it was quite cool. 今天很热,可昨天比较凉快。 He is quite tall, but not very tall. 他比较高,可不是很高。 His work is quite good, but hers is very good. 他的工作干得比较好,而她的工作干得非常好。 3. quite可以修饰动词和过去分词,而very却不可以。例如: Have you quite finished your dinner? 你把饭吃完了吗? She quite likes him, but not enough to marry him. 她相当喜欢他,可还不到嫁给他的程度。 Now she quite enjoys her job. 现在她很喜欢自己的工作。 He is quite drunk. 他确实喝多了。 4. very通常放在不定冠词a/ an之后,而quite位置却比较灵活。例如: She is quite a lovely girl. 她真是个可爱的女孩。 We had a quite good time. 我们玩得相当开心。 He is a very handsome boy. 他是个很英俊的男孩。 It was a very cold morning. 那是个非常寒冷的早晨。 5.quite可以修饰a lot,a few,a little,a bit等含有不定冠词的短语,而very不可以。不过very能修饰few,little等。例如: Quite a few people have caught cold in such bad weather. 在这样糟糕的天气里不少人得了感冒。 Cleaning the backyard needs quite a little work. 清扫后院得干不少活。 Very few people can live to be 100. 很少有人活到100岁。 It is unfortunate that I have very little time for reading. 真不幸,我很少有时间读书。
1. 当句中用了形式主语或形式宾语 it 时。如:
It’s certain that he’ll come tomorrow. 他明天肯定会来。
I thought it certain that he would be late. 我肯定他会迟到。
2. 当表示“某一”“某些”时。如:
A certain Mr Green wants to see you. 有个叫格林先生的人想见你。
Certain plants are good to eat but others are not. 有些植物好吃, 而其他一些则不好吃。
在 Be sure (not) to do sth.(一定要或不要做某事)这类祈使句中通常不用 certain。如:
Be sure not to forget it. 千万别忘记啦。
Be sure to get there before nine. 务必在九点前到达。

表语形容词一般情况下不能像其他形容词一样被very修饰,而只能用very much, fast,all,wide,well等词修饰。特别需要注意的是修饰语与表语形容词之间的许多习惯搭配。

1.此类形容词都可用very much或 much修饰。very much是much的加强语气的说法。在实际运用中,用very much远比用 much普遍。习惯上用very much修饰的此类形容词常见的有alike,aware,asleep, alone,afraid,aglow等。例如:

The two brothers are very much alike.这兄弟俩非常相像。

We are very much aware of the gravity of the situation.我们十分明白形势的严重性。


The boat was fast aground.小船搁浅了,完全动弹不得。

3.人们习惯还用all,quite修饰alone, wide修饰awake,deep或sound修饰asleep。例如:

The house stands on the hillside all alone, with no other houses near it.

She was still very wide awake despite the lateness of the hour.

The baby was deep /sound asleep.婴儿正在熟睡。
