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求外研版英语报纸答案 总3244期 第十六期

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求外研版英语报纸答案 总3244期 第十六期
求外研版英语报纸答案 总3244期 第十六期
Book 5 Modules 3-4
1-5 ABBAC 6-10 ACCBA
11-15 BAACB 16-20 BABCB
21-25 CDBCA 26-30 ADCCD
31-35 ABACD 36-40 BEGCD
41-45 BDACA 46-50 BDCAB
51-55 CDABC 56-60 DCADB
61. that 62. their
63. with 64. to find
65. who 66. thicker
67. finding 68. at
69. how 70. totally
71. ... really pleasing that ...
pleasing → pleased
72. ... to Chinastudy ... study前加to
73. Live inChina... Live → Living
74. ... and I'm sure ... and → but
75. ... the western food ... 去掉the
76. ... all very popular ... all → both
77. ... family and friend ...
friend → friends
78. Beside, I'll ... Beside → Besides
79. ... easy of you ... of → for
80. ... to meet you. meet → meeting
One possible version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm Li Hua from Class 6 Grade 3. I am writing you to apply to join the English Drama Club.
I have been interested in performing since my childhood. I have also read most of Shakespeare's plays, which fascinate me greatly. Besides, I am good at spoken English because I always practice speaking with native speakers at our school's English corner. I won first prize in the Speech Contest of our school last year. If I am admitted to the club, I would like to be a director and actress so that I can decide which plays we want to put on and perform in them.
I expect to put my talent to good use by performing with other club members. I hope to be given such a chance.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
21. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的A week ago, however, when he had chocolate on his face and I licked my finger to wipe it off, he said, “Don't put your dirty water on me, please.”可推断,在拜访朋友之前,Jack有时对他的妈妈粗鲁无礼.
22. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的And at every meal — not just dinner — we all sat down at the table and ate. When we got home, my husband said, “Maybe we should be doing that.”可知.
23. B.句意理解题.由第三段和第四段可知,作者之前因为孩子吃饭慢,所以不坐下来和孩子一起吃饭,而是去工作或者做家务.再由第八段中的surprise, I haven't missed a deadline ... And Jack seems to like having me there可知,作者和孩子坐下来吃一日三餐之后,作者的工作并没有落下.据此可推断,划线句子的意思应该是“房子并没有变得又脏又乱”.故B项正确.
24. C.篇章结构题.由倒数第三段“Mommy, I love you so much and I can't stop loving you.”可知,划线词指代Jack对作者说甜言蜜语.
25. A.推理判断题.由第一段及第二段中的They're so addictive you can't have just one,以及第三段末的behind junk food design可推断,该食品美味但不健康.
26. A.细节理解题.由Meltdown部分的When fat-filled snacks melt quickly, your brain thinks the calories are gone too, so you just keep on eating! Doritos, popcorn, cheese puffs, and cream have this same effect可知.
27. D.细节理解题.由Filled with fat部分的That's a nerve that ... sends a happy signal to your brain. People experience fat as a feeling及Salt部分的Salt activates the brain's pleasure center可知.
28. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的Show up at her door in Trumbull, Conn., with a costume ... and her candy bowl is your candy bowl. Ring her bell in ordinary street clothes and you'll get ... unwanted things from her closets可知,大孩子只有穿着万圣节的服装才能得到Patti Woods-LaVoie的糖果,否则只能得到一些不需要的日常物品.
29. C.推理判断题.由第五段可知,Tant的女儿去年12岁,去一户人家要糖果的时候遭到了拒绝,Tant不得不进行干预.这个经历是很让人尴尬的.
30. D.词义猜测题.由第六、七两段可知,人们不太信任大孩子,他们觉得十几岁的孩子索要糖果纯属捣乱,所以不愿意给他们糖果.
31. A.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段中Brycen说的话I wanted to have that experience ... loved the idea of ... 可知答案.
本文是记叙文.17岁的英国学生Nick D'Aloisio设计了一款新闻软件,被雅虎公司高价购买.
32. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的Just do it及第三段中的just go out and get it started可知.
33. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的would now invest the money from the sale可推断,D'Aloisio将把这笔钱用于投资以赚更多的钱.
34. C.细节理解题.由第七段中的while revising for a history test可知.
35. D.写作目的题.本文主要介绍了英国17岁的发明家D'Aloisio设计智能手机新闻软件的过程以及该软件为他带来的回报.故D项正确.
36. B.B项与下文的It is a natural reaction相呼应.
37. E.E项与上文的the way a person reacts to anger can be bad及下文的They shout at others ... 相呼应.
38. G.G项与上文的Count before you say or do anything. It seems like a simple idea相呼应.
39. C.C项与下文的say words to yourself like “relax” or “I am staying calm.”相呼应.
40. D.D项与上文的a person's brain releases chemicals during physical activity相呼应.
41. B.由Eighty years ... only 200 left可知,80年前这里有大约一万只塘鹅筑巢,而到1950年只剩下200只.这是令人遗憾的,故选sadly.
42. D.由The numbers dropped可知,塘鹅数量继续下降,剩下的越来越少.可以判断应选remaining.1984年,一场大火烧死了“剩下的(remaining)”大部分海鸟.
43. A.由上文语境可知,大火之后塘鹅就从猫岛上“消失了(disappeared)”.
44. C.由下文的Some fishermen ... for shooting可知,人类是塘鹅的主要“敌人(enemies)”.
45. A.由下文可知,环保官员们用诱鸟让塘鹅重回猫岛.本句的意思应该是:环保官员们一直努力让塘鹅“回归(return)”.
46. B.由下文可知,环保官员们使用诱鸟来吸引塘鹅回归.故本句意为:他们决定使用一个“计谋(trick)”.
47. D.联系上下文可知,环保官员们开始在岛上“放置(put)”诱鸟.
48. C.由后半句可知,诱鸟应该足够“坚固(strong)”,因此官员们用一种坚韧的塑料和金属丝制作诱鸟.
49. A.由下文的they were weighted with bricks可推断,用砖给诱鸟加重是为了固定诱鸟的位置.
50. B.由下文的such as eye and beak (a bird's mouth) markings可知,孩子们注重诱鸟所有的“细节(details)”.
51. C.由下文的From a distance, it was difficult to tell ... 可知,诱鸟看起来“完全(exactly)”像真的塘鹅.
52. D.从远处看,很难辨别出哪个是“仿制品(copy)”,哪个是真塘鹅.
53. A.由They started tapping beaks with the decoys可知,诱鸟一被放置到岛上,塘鹅就很快“降落(landed)”到岛上了.
54. B.由上下文语境可知,塘鹅们确实把诱鸟当做了真塘鹅.在第一年,一只塘鹅开始在“诱鸟(decoys)”中间筑巢.
55. C.由上文的In 1988 six gannets arrived, nested, and hatched three chicks 可知,这个“办法(method)”看起来有效果.
56. D.由下文的a pair of sea eagles, which are enemies of gannets, moved down and attacked可推断,其他鸟类也被岛上的诱鸟“欺骗了(fooled)”.
57. C.本句是对上句的举例说明,故选For example.
58. A.由下文的by tearing their heads off and breaking their beaks可知,海雕“毁坏了(damaged)”一些诱鸟.
59. D.60. B.下文的the gannets have returned permanently and that their numbers will rise every year应该是“包括(including)”那些为诱鸟着色的孩子们在内的每个人的希望.
61. that.考查连词.so ... that ... 是固定结构,意为“如此……以致……”.
62. their.考查代词.设空处指代people,且后面有way,故填their.
63. with.考查介词.be familiar with是固定搭配,意为“熟悉……”.
64. to find.考查非谓语动词.设空处所在句句意:他试图步行到那儿结果发现自己迷路了.“only +不定式”常充当结果状语,它所表示的事件是紧接在前面的事件之后发生的,往往表示意外或不幸的结果.
65. who.考查关系词.设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰stranger,且在从句中作主语,故填who.
66. thicker.考查比较等级.设空处所在句but前分句意为“雾变得更浓了”,故填thicker.
67. finding.考查非谓语动词.have difficulty in doing sth.是固定结构,意为“做某事有困难”.
68. at.考查介词.at last是固定搭配,意为“最后”.
69. how.考查连接词.设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作状语,表示“怎样”,故填how.
70. totally.考查副词.设空处修饰blind,故填副词totally.


1-5 DBBDD 6-10 ABABC
1. D.细节理解题.由第三段开头的Everyone has one of two variants of the DRD2 gene可知.
2. B.推理判断题.由第五段中的Most of the study participants — three quarters of them — had the thymine gene variant及Researchers found an association between more forgetfulness problems and having the thymine gene variant of DRD2可推断,在研究对象中,大约四分之三的人是健忘的.
3. B.段落大意题.由第六段开头的there are things you can do to compensate for forgetfulness及下文可知,本段主要讲如何避免健忘.
4. D.细节理解题.由第一到五段可知,健忘和基因有关.
5. D.文章出处题.通读全文可知,本文介绍了几项和健忘相关的科学研究,说明影响记忆的因素包括基因、习惯、年龄和性别.故D项正确.
6. A.词义猜测题.由第一、二段可知,作者的童年充满接触大自然的美好经历.故划线词的意思应该与happy最接近.
7. B.篇章结构题.上文写道those young people are also far more likely to value the natural world,下文用一整段说明要重视大自然的两个原因——大自然正遭到破坏以及大自然对人类的益处.据此可推断,划线词应指代“重视大自然”.
8. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的they also provide important economic services that benefit human health ... insects pollinate crops可知,此处是把昆虫授粉作为大自然对人类有益的一个例子.
9. B.推理判断题.由第五段开头的The damage to Earth's living systems is fast approaching irreversible “tipping points,”可推断,如果人类继续破坏大自然,那么地球的生态系统将达到不可逆转的“倾覆点”并彻底崩溃,到那时环境将无法改善.
10. C.写作目的题.由第二段末的encourage parents to bring back that halcyon childhood pastime of letting kids get muddy once in a while及最后一段开头的establishing a connection between child and nature is one of the best and simplest ways to ... 可推断,作者写作此文是为了建议家长让孩子们体验大自然.