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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 05:19:56
你班针对少数学生考试作弊(cheat)的现象开了一个班会,分析了其产生的原因,请你针对你班分析的结果向校长写一个报告,并表达你自己的看法.内容要点如下:主要原因:考试偏多、偏难;不用功、懒惰;为了取悦父母和老师.个人看法:作弊不对;违反校规;要诚实做人,努力学习…… 注意:1、短文必须包括所有内容要点,可以适当发挥.2、开头已给出,不计入总词数.3、词数不少于80.Dear headmaster,Recently a class meeting was held in my class.We discussed why some students cheat in exams at school.The main reasons are as follows:
Dear headmaster,
Recently a class meeting was held in my class. We discussed why some students cheat in exams at school. The main reasons are as follows:
First of all, as the national entrance exam for college is drawing near, there are too many big or small trial tests which are rather difficult. As a result, some students who are lazy and who do not work hard enough may take to cheating for fear of failure. The second reason is that some of our classmates care a lot about their “face”. They want to please their parents and teachers with a good score. So they think 60 points is not good enough. In order to get higher marks, they would be cheating on the exams.
Although I can understand these students’ motifs (动机),I myself hate this kind of dishonest conducts. I believe that cheating is not only immoral, but also a violation of school regulations. If we want to get a good result in the test, only studying harder is the way out. Honesty is always the best policy.
假定你是李华.最近,你的英语老师针对你班学生如何来上学进行了一个调查(结果如下图),并要求你用英语写一篇报告,在晨读时向 我写了一篇英语作文,如何成为一个受欢迎的人?针对此话题你在你班学生中进行了一项调查,结果如下:一部分学生认为:.保持良好 写一篇分析"名校热"的原因,并针对这一现象谈谈你的看法.100字英语作文 一篇针对学校浪费现象向校长写的一封信的英语作文 微博在青年人中正在流行,针对这个现象,你班进行了一次讨论写一篇英语文章,介绍一下讨论的结果. 你叫李华,是高二一班的学生,针对校园中出现乱涂乱画的现象,给找4校长写一封信.英语作文 假如你是李华,针对你班学生如何来上学进行了一个调查,并要求你用英语写一篇报告 英语翻译本文先介绍了语言迁移现象及其种类,针对高中生英语作文中的汉语迁移现象作了分析并揭示其原因 假如你是某中学高二学生李华,你经常听到人们夸赞成绩优秀的同学聪明,请你针对这一现象写一篇英语短文,向你们学校广播室投稿. 拜托了~英语作文学校针对学生抄作业做了一次调查,调查结果如下,请用英语给校长写一封信反映相关情况并提出你的意见 求一篇关于考试作弊的英语作文,要求,第一段写学生作弊的原因,第二段写对作弊的看法,如何做一个正直的人,第三段总结,150 急求英语作文假设你是李华,某校高三学生.高考前夕,同学们备感压力剧增,一时难以适应.针对这一现象你们班召开班会.写一篇发